November 2004 Highlights
Posted on1. WiRED continues to provide the Iraqi medical community with healthcare information; 2. WiRED salutes its volunteers
1. WiRED continues to provide the Iraqi medical community with healthcare information; 2. WiRED salutes its volunteers
1. WiRED’s Community Health Information Centers in Kenya serve more than 6,000 individuals during September with the HIV/AIDS prevention message; 2. WiRED salutes its volunteers; 3. WiRED shares in the grief over the loss of Christopher Reeve
1. WiRED’s Community Health Information Centers engage clients in a safe, non-judgmental manner; 2.Despite the security difficulties confronting organizations in Iraq, WiRED is planning to install an additional six Medical Information Centers in the northern region of the country; 3. With help from the Tiburon-Belvedere Rotary Club in California, and the Rotary Club in Leon, Nicaragua, WiRED is planning this fall to expand its Medical Information Center program into Honduras.
WiRED International, on August 6, 2004 opened the doors to the second of its Medical Information Centers (MIC) in Leon, Nicaragua. The ribbon cutting launched a seven-station electronic library that will be used by several hundred faculty and medical students at the Centro de Salud de Sutiava Clinic.
WiRED International brings one new Medical Information Center to Nicaragua and finalizes plans for Iraq, Serbia and Nicaragua
Dedication speech by Gary Selnow, Ph.D.
Programming moves forward in Kenya and Iraq through the renewed support of U.S. National Institutes of Health, Office of AIDS Research and Pfizer Inc.
Wired International and the International Organization for Migration have collaborated with our hospital to develop an electronic library—the Medical Information Center. This facility, on the fifth floor of our hospital, is one of ten Medical Information Centers installed by WiRED and IOM in Iraq.
Dr. Wadhad Mahbuba is the manager of WiRED International’s Medical Information Centers in Iraq. The Iraqi physician describes here how the four original Centers, which were installed in mid-2003, are operating today. He offered this account in a conversation with WiRED’s Gary Selnow who is working in Baghdad.
WiRED has just received the following comments from the Director of the Basra Teaching Hospital about our work in Iraq; 1. WiRED is grateful to Affinity Internet, Inc. for complimentary hosting of WiRED’s website through its Hostsave brand; 2. The Medtronic Foundation has generously continued its support of WiRED’s medical information programs in Central Europe and the Middle East by making a gift of $35,000 to help underwrite three Medical Information Centers in Kosovo and Serbia; 3. Gary Selnow, a professor of business communication at San Francisco State University and Executive Director of WiRED International, was honored with the prestigious SFSU President’s Medal for Service during Commencement exercises May 29 for his efforts to rebuild community and health care in countries disrupted by war, conflict or rampant illness.