Over the years, WiRED has joined hands with many organizations, universities, companies and institutions committed to medical and health education in low-resource regions. Our collaborative activities include funding, project planning, administration and implementation. We are pleased to list the following partners, both past and present:
Armenian Ministry of Health
Children’s Heart Link
Children’s National Medical Center
China California Heart Watch
Christopher Reeve Foundation
George Washington University
International Organization for Migration
Iraqi Ministry of Health
KUAP Pandipieri
Marion Wright Edelman Institute, San Francisco State University
National Institutes of Health
Project Amazonas
Rotary Clubs in Ann Arbor, Tiburon/Belvedere, Half Moon Bay, San Jose
The Blum-Kovler Foundation
The Polus Center for Social and Economic Development
The Tatjana Grgich Family Foundation
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Leon; Medical School