We Value Your Donations to Help Us Train Community Health Workers
By Allison Kozicharow; Edited by Staff
In 2022 WiRED International begins our 25th year of delivering health education to low-resource regions. Our goal over the next several years is to increase our Community Health Worker (CHW) Training Program in underserved regions. CHWs are becoming increasingly critical in places where doctors and nurses are scarce and where the burden of disease is growing. WiRED’s World Health Organization-compliant curriculum prepares CHWs and expands their skills through a continuing medical education program.
We value your support of this program, and, because our volunteers contribute thousands of work hours, we can direct 95% of your donation directly into our programs and materials. Your generosity will enable WiRED to expand our vital work to train CHWs to provide health care and education to community members and especially to women and children, who are among the world’s most vulnerable people.
Here’s how to donate:
- Donating online via PayPal or credit card at the WiRED website is easy and can be done here: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=M22S8MDVFK5H2.
- If you are over 70 years old and required to take a distribution from your IRA, you can have funds sent directly to WiRED and avoid the taxable income: https://www.wiredinternational.org/global-health/making-charitable-gifts-from-ira-accounts-gives-tax-advantage.
- Monthly deductions through PayPal might be an option for you: Just click the monthly donation checkbox on WiRED’s donation page: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=M22S8MDVFK5H2.
The standard check in the mail to WiRED, and marked as a charitable contribution to a 501c3 always works. Send a check to: WiRED International P.O. Box 371132 Montara, CA 94037
- Consider participating in AmazonSmile where .5% of eligible purchase prices are donated to WiRED as your designated charity. Here is how:
- Visit smile.amazon.com
- Sign in with your Amazon.com credentials
- Choose WiRED International to receive donations
- Add a bookmark for smile.amazon.com to make it easier to use in future