Uptick in Global COVID-19 Cases
Virus Spreading Faster than Ever
By: Allison Kozicharow; Edited by Jessie Crowdy
The New York Times reports that while the COVID-19 pandemic is lessening in many of the countries hit early in 2020, new hot spots in Latin America, Asia and the Middle East are causing a record rise in the number of first-time cases of the virus.
COVID-19 emerged as a novel coronavirus in late December 2019. Five months later, the highest numbers of fresh cases recorded in a single day reached 134,064.
Even after months of news about COVID-19, such statistics are alarming as they highlight the reality that scientific understanding of this virus is still a work in progress. They remind us that we have no vaccine and no effective treatments beyond a few medications that have a modest impact on the virus for a fraction of patients. So, prevention remains the wisest course. Even though people may be weary of being told how to prevent the disease, it’s useful to read over the prevention measures again.
- Wash your hands often.
- Avoid close contact.
- Stay home as much as you can.
- Use a cloth mask to cover your mouth and nose.
- Cover coughs and sneezes.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily.
- Monitor your health.
- Understand how the virus spreads, so you can make smart decisions.
Source: World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Getting the word out on how to protect ourselves and our families is often impossible in low-resource countries and areas of marginalized populations. Based on WHO and CDC guidelines, WiRED International created a coronavirus module back in January and a month later expanded it into a multi-module package on Key Topics in Infection Control. This package is part of WiRED’s accredited Community Health Worker (CHW) Training Program, designed to prepare health workers in underserved regions around the world. (See sidebar for more information on WiRED’s COVID work.)
The COVID-19 crisis is far from over. To face any health challenge, WiRED believes that prevention and education lead to health and well-being: Because community health begins with knowledge.
WiRED’s Work in COVID-19 Education
We developed one of the first COVID training modules (in mid-January).
- We update the COVID module regularly to reflect research developments.
- We offer a COVID stress reduction module.
- We developed an infectious disease training series for students and health workers who wish to learn about COVID and other infectious illnesses.
- Our CHWs education program includes many hours of training material on infectious disease control.
- We are preparing for upcoming CHW training programs in Peru, India, Nicaragua and Armenia.