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Reminder: Please Support the Sister Bernadette Sunshine-Mitzvah Fund for the Holidays

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By Allison Kozicharow; Edited by Elizabeth Fine

WiRED International recently asked for your help in donating to the Sister Bernadette Sunshine-Mitzvah Fund, and so far — thanks to your generous support — we have collected more than $2,000!

Since 2009 Sr. Bernadette Nealon of KUAP Pandipieri has collected small donations or “lunch money” to ease the hunger of families in Kisumu and rural areas in and around western Kenya. (Watch the video here.)

Sr. Bernadette’s remarkable efforts provide the poorest families with bags of groceries and medicine for the holidays. She also hands out special Christmas cookies for the children, who rarely receive such a luxury.

Every penny collected goes to Sr. Bernadette, and she spends every penny on the families.

WiRED will post a full report with photos and stories about fund recipients right after the holidays. In the meantime, you can still donate before December’s end to the Sunshine-Mitzvah Fund.

All of us at WiRED remain committed to expanding our health worker training programs in Africa, Eurasia and Latin America; we welcome your donations to help us with these important efforts. (See WiRED).
