Special Series

U.S. Ambassador to Kenya to Dedicate Medical Information Center at the University of Nairobi

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U.S. Ambassador to Kenya, Johnnie Carson, will join WiRED International for the opening of a new Medical Information Center at the University of Nairobi Faculty of Medicine on February 4, 2003. “The Ambassador’s participation highlights growing international recognition of the crucial connection between access to information and the health of developing nations,” says WiRED Executive Director Dr. Gary Selnow. “We are honored that Mr. Carson will join us for this important event. This computer facility–the first available in Kenya’s largest medical school-will enable students and faculty to access information that has, to date, been beyond their reach.

Special Series

Ceremony Officially Opens New Community Health Information Center in the Tuzla, Bosnia Medical School

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The Medtronic Foundation, WiRED, Euroregional Commission and Tuzla Medical School join in the celebration. On November 20, 2002, WiRED International launched a new Community Heath Information Center (CHIC) in the Tuzla, Bosnia Medical School. The new Center provides the faculty, students and the community with the latest medical information available on CDs and on the Internet.

Special Series

Shared Vision Brings WiRED to Kenya

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From the moment Kenya gained independence in 1963, local and national leaders have envisioned a day when the country could finally eradicate poverty, ignorance, and disease. Leaders then and now realize that any real progress against any one of these three tightly interwoven challenges requires simultaneous progress in the other two areas as well.

Special Series

Progress Towards Croatian Reconstruction Continues Medtronic Foundation Funds New Community Health Information Center

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Vukovar, Croatia has taken another step in the reconstruction of their war-torn community with the dedication of a new Community Health Information Center. The Center, developed by World Internet Resources for Education and Development (WiRED) and funded by Medtronic Foundation will focus on daily life-style issues such as diet, nutrition and smoking-cessation.