Special Series

March 2004 Highlights

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Evaluation of Community Health Information Centers in Kenya verifies the effectiveness of combining IT with human interaction in the delivery of HIV/AIDS and other healthcare information

Special Series

January 2004 Highlights

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1. Video Visit Program in Iraq; 2. Pack ‘N Go program in Kenya Underwritten by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, this expanded outreach feature uses a portable computer system called Pack 鮮 Go; 3. Kosovo and Serbia.

Special Series

WiRED dedicates two new Medical Information Centers in Montenegro

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WiRED returned to the Balkans in December 2003 to open two Medical Information Centers (MICs) in Montenegro. The new Centers, underwritten by The Medtronic Foundation, are in the Medical School in Podgorica and in the Danilo I Hospital in Cetinje. The Centinje Hospital is the oldest hospital in the country, this December celebrating its 130th year of continuous service to the people of Montenegro.

Special Series

WiRED International collaborates with the American Federation of Teachers to bring a Computer Information Center to Sierre Leone

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On November 24, 2003, in collaboration with the American Federation of Teachers, WiRED installed a computer training lab in the Ahmadiyya Muslim School in Sierre Leone. The facility, which is the first of its kind in this post-conflict, west African country, will introduce some 5,000 students to a technology that will be critical for the economic and social development of this impoverished region.