Special Series

Kenya—an adventure in service

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This is an interesting account of the ups and downs of working in a Community Health Information Center in Kenya. The staff normally meets different obstacles along the way—from rough roads and bad weather to hostile clients. This time they literally have to cross a raging river. What is admirable is their neverending enthusiasm to serve people despite adversity.

Special Series

June 2005 Highlights

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1. WiRED has partnered with the National Medical Association (NMA) to expand our medical information center (MIC) resources in Africa; 2. In early June, WiRED director Gary Selnow returned to Baghdad to assist with our efforts to help Iraqis recover their medical and educational infrastructure; 3. WiRED is proud to announce the launch WiRED’s Med-Portal website!

Special Series

May 2005 Highlights

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1. According to its Director, Dr. Cesar Flores, the Medical Information Center (MIC) at the Centro de Salud de Sutiava Clinic in Leon, Nicaragua, serves as an important resource for doctors and medical students; 2. WiRED’s Medical Information Centers and Community Health Information Centers in Kenya served more than 176, 000 people during 2004 compared to the previous year’s numbers of 166,000 people; 3. Volunteer Angela Woon came to WiRED in January 2004.

Special Series

April 2005 Highlights

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1. WiRED International is grateful to Affinity Internet, Inc. for the donation of complimentary webhosting through its HostSave brand; 2. WiRED is collaborating with the American Federation of Teachers to deliver a computer training program for the Iraqi Teachers Union; 3. An important part of WiRED’s work in disseminating the HIV/AIDS prevention message is our collaboration with VCTs–Voluntary Counseling and Testing facilities where people can learn their HIV status.