Special Series

Dr. Richard Carmona Gives Keynote Speech on WiRED’s 20th Anniversary

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WiRED International celebrated its 20th year of operation last week at a reception at San Francisco State University. At the event, WiRED Board member Dr. Richard Carmona, 17th Surgeon General of the United States, delivered a powerful and motivating keynote speech that framed the importance of health education in establishing bonds and uniting people throughout the world.

Special Series

Nicaragua (WiRED History Series)

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It’s a custom in many countries for religious leaders to bless new facilities, such as new offices, schools and community programs. In Nicaragua, a predominantly Catholic country, a priest will generally perform the ritual, which involves a prayer and maybe a brief homily before a gathering of well-wishers.

Special Series

Hurricane Harvey Aftermath Runs Risk of Waterborne Disease Outbreak

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Cholera in Yemen today … and in Texas tomorrow? The catastrophic flooding in Texas from Hurricane Harvey has caused death, destruction and displacement. The storm’s aftershock has produced contaminated and stagnant water and poor sanitation, conditions ideally suited to the spread of waterborne diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, dysentery and typhoid fever — all caused by pathogenic microbes.