Current Year

One Health

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Zoonotic diseases. Climate change. Food and water safety. Antibiotic resistance. What ties these topics together? One Health is a crucial tool for early disease surveillance, according to a Medscape article. The majority of infectious

Climate Change

Earth Day 2022

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April 22 is Earth Day. WiRED International board members, staff and volunteers wish everyone a meaningful Earth Day. Ever since the first Earth Day in 1970, each year Earth Day voices our global environmental consciousness, calls the world to action

Climate Change

WiRED Releases Module on Air Pollution

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Air pollution. We have been living with it ever since we began burning fossil fuels, such as coal and gas, which release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, cause temperatures to rise and produce chemicals and particles in the air that can harm the health of humans, animals and plants. A pivotal part to stopping climate change is reducing air pollution.