Special Series

In Conversation with Dr. Wadhad Mahbuba

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Dr. Wadhad Mahbuba is the manager of WiRED International’s Medical Information Centers in Iraq. The Iraqi physician describes here how the four original Centers, which were installed in mid-2003, are operating today. He offered this account in a conversation with WiRED’s Gary Selnow who is working in Baghdad.

Special Series

WiRED dedicates two new Medical Information Centers in Montenegro

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WiRED returned to the Balkans in December 2003 to open two Medical Information Centers (MICs) in Montenegro. The new Centers, underwritten by The Medtronic Foundation, are in the Medical School in Podgorica and in the Danilo I Hospital in Cetinje. The Centinje Hospital is the oldest hospital in the country, this December celebrating its 130th year of continuous service to the people of Montenegro.

Special Series

WiRED International collaborates with the American Federation of Teachers to bring a Computer Information Center to Sierre Leone

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On November 24, 2003, in collaboration with the American Federation of Teachers, WiRED installed a computer training lab in the Ahmadiyya Muslim School in Sierre Leone. The facility, which is the first of its kind in this post-conflict, west African country, will introduce some 5,000 students to a technology that will be critical for the economic and social development of this impoverished region.

Special Series

Paradox Amid the Rubble (originally published in The Chronicle of Higher Education – August 8, 2003)

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The room at the Al Kadhymia Teaching Hospital in Iraq had bars on the windows, lots of electrical outlets, and plenty of space to accommodate computers. I was traveling with an American computer technician and an Iraqi physician in May on a project sponsored by the U.S. Department of State to create medical-information centers at teaching hospitals and medical schools throughout the country.