Special Series

Spotlight: NCDs – Cancer

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Cancer is frightening. Almost everyone has been touched by it in some way, and the number of new cases is expected to rise by 70% in the next 20 years. In fact, cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide. Annually, lung, liver, stomach, colorectal, breast and esophageal cancers kill more than eight million people globally.

Special Series

WiRED Delivers Programs to Remote Communities in Amazon in a New Way

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WiRED International can now distribute vital medical and health information to isolated underserved areas of the world without relying on the Internet or the power grid. We did this on our recent trip to Peru when we successfully tested new hardware configurations on remote stretches of the Peruvian Amazon. This new portable bundle, called Pack ’n Go, includes solar panels, a lithium-ion battery, a compact projector and a laptop loaded with our programs — all fitting easily in a backpack.