Asthma, Allergies and Clean Air
Posted onMay is National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month and Clean Air Month, reminding us that we’re entering the season where many people become vulnerable to environmental conditions.
May is National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month and Clean Air Month, reminding us that we’re entering the season where many people become vulnerable to environmental conditions.
When recently asked about hepatitis, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) spokesperson Jonathan Mermin, M.D., said: “Why are so many Americans dying of this preventable, curable disease?” Dr. Mermin speculated that many deaths could be avoided with simple testing for and treatment of hepatitis.
Do you know the range for healthy blood pressure? Do you know the signs of stroke? The month of May is a good time to refresh your knowledge about these conditions, because this is National High Blood Pressure Month and American Stroke Awareness Month.
WiRED International’s board and volunteers wish to thank the VMware Foundation for its recent generous donation in honor of an employee (who wishes to remain anonymous) who has been with the company for many years. WiRED plans to spend the funds on its “Mothers’ and Children’s Health” program.
Summer is almost here. The season promises sun, fun — and alarmingly this year, the Zika virus.
Sexually transmitted illnesses (STIs) are on the rise for the first time since 2006. Each year an estimated 357 million new infections occur. The good news is that all STIs are preventable.
During World Immunization Week the World Health Organization urges people around the world to take action to “Close the Immunization Gap.”
On April 24 WiRED International joins with colleagues and friends in Armenia to remember victims of the Armenian Genocide. WiRED’s volunteers around the world reach out to our partners in WiRED International – Armenia Centers on this solemn occasion.
About 3.2 billion people – almost half the world’s population – are at risk of malaria. For World Malaria Day 2016 the World Health Organization (WHO) chose the theme “End malaria for good.”
This year Earth Day is Friday, April 22. On the first Earth Day in 1970, people celebrated clean air, land and water. Forty-six years later, the planet’s survival is at risk. Climate change threatens and impacts our health, our environment and our economy.