WiRED Marks World Health Day
Posted onWiRED International observes the 70th anniversary of World Health Day on April 7, the day on which the World Health Organization urges everyone to learn about and support accessible universal health care.
WiRED International observes the 70th anniversary of World Health Day on April 7, the day on which the World Health Organization urges everyone to learn about and support accessible universal health care.
Opening up access to its materials for millions more people, WiRED International just took a major technological leap forward. Its innovative Health Module Access Program (HealthMAP) can now deliver free health education training material to underserved communities in the world’s most distant locations, many of which exist offline.
The media are awash with pointers about how to live a healthy life: eat well, exercise, don’t smoke, watch how much alcohol you drink. A recitation of heath tips becomes a mantra that we know so well . . . and tend to ignore. But if these pointers help you feel better, look better and avoid some diseases, maybe it’s worth giving a few of them a try.
Mark your calendars for two important health observances this week. Thursday, March 22, is World Water Day, and Saturday, March 24, is World TB (tuberculosis) Day.
Birth defects affect millions of families worldwide every year. About one in every 33 babies is born with a birth defect caused by genetics or by maternal exposure to environmental agents.
Brazilian health workers are racing to vaccinate urban populations against the yellow fever virus in order to prevent a pandemic in its largest cities. In previous years, yellow fever has been confined to forest areas of the Amazon basin; if it spreads into city slums, the consequences to public health could be catastrophic.
Hillary Fiona Owuor values WiRED’s health training program. This young woman studies WiRED’s health education modules at the Kisumu Urban Apostolate Programmes (KUAP) Pandipieri Center in Kisumu, an underserved region in Western Kenya.
February is not just about Valentine’s Day, but is American Heart Month! Dedicate yourself this year to a healthy happy lifestyle that you can share with your loved ones all the months of the year.
Pregnancy can be exciting, but it also can be stressful for a mother-to-be and her loved ones. WiRED International’s latest health education module introduces key health issues related to pregnancy.
Climate change, yellow fever in Brazil, this year’s severe influenza season, a newly released module on postpartum depression — these are all topics of recent stories posted on WiRED International’s website.