Report from Haiti
Posted onYen-Len Tang, M.D., a pediatrician with the Kaiser Permanente Medical Group, recently returned from Haiti, where he regularly provides volunteer medical care in the Hôpital Albert Schweitzer in Deschapelles.
Yen-Len Tang, M.D., a pediatrician with the Kaiser Permanente Medical Group, recently returned from Haiti, where he regularly provides volunteer medical care in the Hôpital Albert Schweitzer in Deschapelles.
Climate change, which brings warmer temperatures to higher latitudes and elevations, may be one of the causes of an increase in the tick population, which in turn, has brought about an increase in cases of Lyme disease. No matter the cause, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recorded a soaring increase in the tick population between 2004 and 2016.
WiRED International is proud to announce the release of its 24-part Mother and Child Health Series. WiRED has created a uniquely comprehensive training program, two years in the making, to assist families, caregivers, community health workers and others by offering information related to the following four areas: Before Pregnancy, Pregnant Now, Labor and Delivery, and Parenting.
I worked my way through college many years ago as a disc jockey. Listeners would often phone the station with requests for a favorite song; I recall how satisfying it was to find the tune and play it for them on the air. It wasn’t very satisfying, though, to search the music archives and come up empty-handed.
An earlier article this year announced the release of WiRED International’s breakthrough Health Module Access Program (HealthMAP). Now WiRED can deliver free health education training material to underserved communities in the world’s most remote locations, many of which have limited or no online access.
Each year on July 28, we acknowledge World Hepatitis Day. One in 12 people worldwide lives with either chronic hepatitis B or C.
WiRED International’s board and volunteers are deeply saddened by the death of actress Elmarie Wendel on July 21, 2018, at age 89.
Obesity is a global crisis, now on the rise in low-income countries, and together with overweight, is linked to more deaths worldwide than underweight. And yet obesity is completely preventable, especially if people develop healthy habits in childhood.
Today, poverty, scarce healthcare resources and the lack of reliable medical information are creating a healthcare crisis for the people of Armenia, and WiRED International is responding to their needs.
When it comes to global health issues, we at WiRED International welcome rational debate, believing that outcomes of informed discussions guide clinicians and patients toward more healthy practices. And so we were disheartened when we learned that the American government sought to kill a UN resolution that, based on good science, urged governments to “protect, promote and support breast-feeding.”